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Kate Berger
English Language Arts
Grove City (Grades 5-12)
Laura Bianchi
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Lauren Block
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Ashley Boeyink
1st Grade
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Jeremy Boeyink
2nd Grade
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Lissa Borchert
Early Childhood Family Education(ECFE) / Childhood Coordinator /School Readiness Teacher
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Luke Braaten
Dean of Students
Grove City (Grades 5-12)
Brendon Canavan
Grove City (Grades 5-12)
Val Carlson
School Nurse
Hailey Carr
Reading Corp
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Sam Cunningham
Special Education
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Paige Danielson
5th Grade
Grove City (Grades 5-12)
Nikki Dill
Reading Corp
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Sage Doty
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Janell Doty
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Thomas Dougherty-Rosengren
Social Studies
Grove City (Grades 5-12)
Kevin Drange
Grove City (Grades 5-12)
Janelle Eisenbacher
Paraprofessional/Media Center
Grove City (Grades 5-12)
Amy Eisenbraun
Special Education
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)
Kari Erickson
3rd Grade
Atwater (Grades Pre K - 4)