Info Meetings

ACGC 4-Day School Week Application Informational Meetings

ACGC Schools has been operating using a four day school week since 2013. We have been required to reapply to the MN Department of Education every three years in the past. Our current application expires at the end of the 2024-2025 school year and we have the opportunity to reapply for the next six years this time.

As part of the 4-day school week application process, ACGC Schools must hold three informational meetings to share survey results and gather community feedback. These meetings will present the data from the recent survey and discuss key findings regarding the benefits, challenges, and overall support for the 4-day school week.

Meeting Dates & Times:
📅 Monday, February 10th at 6:00pm – ACGC MS/HS Media Center in Grove City
📅 Tuesday, February 11th at 10:00am – ACGC District Office Conference Room in Grove City
📅 Wednesday, February 12th at 4:15pm –ACGC MS/HS Media Center in Grove City as part of the District Advisory Committee Meeting

The ACGC School District recently surveyed 618 participants—including students, parents, staff, and community members—on the 4-day school week. The results provide valuable insight into the benefits, challenges, and overall support for continuing this schedule.

Support for Continuing the 4-Day Week:

  • Students (9th-12th grade): 186 surveyed –93% support

  • Parents/Guardians: 281 surveyed – 95% support

  • Staff Members: 102 surveyed – 98% support

  • Community Members Without Children in School: 49 surveyed – 92% support

  • Overall Support: 95% of all participants favor continuing the 4-day week.

Here is a link to the full survey results:

For more information, please contact Superintendent Kip Lynk at